Monday, December 26, 2011

Sony NWZ-X1060 32GB Personal Media Player - Is This a Threatening Competitor to the iPod?

!±8± Sony NWZ-X1060 32GB Personal Media Player - Is This a Threatening Competitor to the iPod?

Sony, well known for its innovative Electronic products, aims to fully leverage this uniqueness in aggressively carrying out their convergence strategy so that they can continue to emotionally touch and excite their customers.

The NWZ-X1060 is the 32GB version of Sony's new Walkman X-series. The design of this player is amazed with a 3" OLED screen and minimal buttons with a silver dome shaped menu button at the bottom. A nice graphite gray finish adds class and style. It has a 32 GB of internal storage that store up to 8,000 tracks, along with a 3.5mm headphone-out socket to the top. A high speed USB port for easy and fast downloads is on board with built-in Wi-Fi allowing users to surf the web and save music videos and clips to the memory.

In this device, a FM radio is available along with a competent video player which supports a lot of fun and entertainment. With the wallpaper support, this gadget offers a battery that provides an impressive 33 hours of music playback and 9 hours of video. With 13.5mm EX Earbuds, this PMP also offers extra earbud sizes to fit the individual, which are very comfortable and tend to stay comfortably in our ears without dropping out constantly. Aside of these features, this MP3 player also has digital noise canceling, digital amplifier, Clear Audio Technologies, Clear Stereo, Clear Bass, DSEE, an OLED screen for full color reproduction and super fast response times.

In short, this Sony NWZ- X1060 is gaining good impressions in the global markets through its neat design, good performance and user-friendliness.

Sony NWZ-X1060 32GB Personal Media Player - Is This a Threatening Competitor to the iPod?

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Audio Technica ATH-ANC7B Active Noise-Cancelling Closed-Back Headphones

!±8± Audio Technica ATH-ANC7B Active Noise-Cancelling Closed-Back Headphones

Brand : Audio-Technica | Rate : | Price : $119.32
Post Date : Dec 21, 2011 23:10:47 | Usually ships in 24 hours

These lightweight, compact headphones boast circuitry that effectively reduces distracting background noise by 90% while offering the superior audio quality that has made Audio-Technica a worldwide leader in electro-acoustic technology.Arrive refreshed after a long flight, avoid distractions in a noisy office, or find peace and quiet in your living room with ATH-ANC7b QuietPoint Active Noise-Cancelling Headphones.

  • QuietPoint noise-cancelling headphones feature noise-cancelling circuitry that effectively reduces environmental noise by 90%
  • Closed-back headphones feature large-aperture 40 mm drivers with neodymium magnet systems for impactful bass, extended treble and higher fidelity
  • Lightweight, compact, fold-flat design is ideal for travel; fully integrated electronics?no external modules needed
  • Full-size 1/4-inch adapter and specialized airline adapter for connecting to in-flight entertainment systems, and a handy carrying case
  • Redesigned, comfortable earcups with generously cushioned padding and a shape that fits easily over any ear

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Use Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

!±8± How to Use Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

Body weight exercises are the latest craze on late night infomercials, but is there any truth to all the hype? Surely Chuck Norris, Christie Brinkley, Wesley Snipes and even Olivia Newton-John have found a remarkable fitness discovery which revolutionizes how people can strengthen muscle, lose fat and tone up their body, right? However, besides the costly Total Gym, is there any other way to capitalize on body weight exercises for weight loss and physical fitness? Continue reading to discover 5 free, yet amazing effective body weight exercises which will help you lose the weight and get in shape.

When you first begin your body weight exercises be prepared for some muscular discomfort the next day. Most people don't realize how powerful a body weight workout can be, so they push themselves harder than they should in the first 2 to 3 weeks. The discomfort is a natural byproduct of the lactic acid accumulating in the muscles. Jogging or deep knee squats will help to burn off the lactic acid and take away the muscular discomfort.

Squats are one of the most effective body weight exercises a person can perform. When done properly squats provide a full body workout even though it may appear that only the lower body is exercising. Squats workout the entire lower body as well as many of the large muscle groups in the upper body.

A body weight squat is basically a simple deep knee bend. Keep your spine slightly arched backward by thrusting your chest out. As you bend down at the knees make sure to keep your spine in a good position by slightly thrusting your butt outward. To help you maintain balance, hold your hands out in front of you.

The secret for losing weight with this exercise is that you need to perform them relatively quickly with a goal of being able to do at least 50 in a row in quick succession. Take deep breaths as needed while you perform squats by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. A great example of squats would be doing 60 squats in about 2 minutes or less. You will be out of breath when you're done.

Pullups or Chinups are a great upper body workout because these exercises make your largest upper body muscle group work very hard. The main muscles worked are the latissimus dorsi (aka, 'lat' muscles) but also the biceps, forearms and abdominals. Simply grab a bar which can support your body weight and see if you can do more than 3 pullups.

[Note: when performing body weight pullups or chinups, you can choose to grab the bar with your palms facing back at you, or you can face your palms away. The difference between the exercises is simple: palms facing toward you is a pullup and greatly involves the biceps; palms facing away is a chinup and also uses the biceps.]

Pushups are probably the most popular type of body weight exercise known. You need to incorporate pullups into your normal, every-day exercise routine. Pushups primarily focus on strengthening the chest muscles (pectorals) with a slight benefit to the triceps and abdominals. When starting out, target a goal of doing 20 pushups in a row.

Chair Dips are an amazingly simple exercise to incorporate. Simply grab two chairs with backs and arrange them so that you can fit inbetween them. Place your hands on both chairbacks and pull your feet up so you are supporting your full body weight with only your arms. Now simply lower your body in what feels like a modified, upright pushup position. You will get a tremendous arm and chest workout on this.

Jogging or Walking are two of the most underused body weight exercises. Simply get out there (or on your treadmill) and start walking or jogging. Go at a pace which requires your heart to elevate its pulse rate while remaining in your target heart rate zone. You should be able to maintain a conversation while you do this exercise, so if you're out of breath, then it you need to slow down a bit and take it easy.

Helpful Tips. Because body weight exercises don't require any extra equipment you can perform body weight exercises anywhere at anytime! So, the next time a commercial comes on TV, you should take that opportunity to improve your physical fitness and lower your weight.

Do some body weight exercises every day. Get into a routine and establish a habit of daily performing body weight exercises. In less than 2 months you will see results - you will look and feel much better - and your cost will be zero!

How to Use Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

10 Easy Ways to Control Diabetes

!±8± 10 Easy Ways to Control Diabetes

When diabetes strikes, it doesn't simply affect your blood sugar - it affects your entire body. If left uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious health complications and eventually death. But there is hope for people with diabetes. There are plenty of actions you can take starting today which can help you keep your diabetes under control. You can control diabetes instead of diabetes controlling you. Keep reading to learn 10 simple ways to control diabetes.

Tip Number One: Quit Smoking! Diabetics are at risk for all kinds of health complications. Smoking increases a diabetic's risk for every one of these diseases. If you smoke - quit now! Get support from friends and family. Visit your doctor for help and advice and possibly a nicotine replacement patch. Diabetics must not smoke!

Tip Number Two: Lose Excess Weight. By simply lowering your bodyweight by 5% to 10%, you can lower your blood sugar and make it easier for your body to control blood sugar levels. Simple ways to lose weight are to reduce your meal serving sizes. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables while decreasing your intake of 'junk' foods. Increase your physical activity levels.

Tip Number Three: Get Physically Active. You can help control your blood sugar and help your body to use insulin better by being more physically active. A simple rule of thumb is to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day. Walking at a brisk pace is one of the simplest and most effective exercises you can do. Do some form of strength training 2 or 3 times per week if you have type 2 diabetes.

Tip Number Four: Eat A Healthy Diet. There really isn't a diabetic's diet which all diabetics should follow because each person's body is different, and how they react to food is unique to each person. However, there are some basic diet guidelines based on decades of scientific medical research which all diabetics can easily follow.

Eat high fiber foods which are low in saturated fats and low in cholesterol. One of the most powerful, yet simple rules of thumb for eating a healthy diet is this: eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Limit breads to whole grain types only. Include some form of protein with each meal.

Tip Number Five: Use & Follow A Meal Planning Tool Every Day. Find a meal planning tool which works for you and stick with it every day. The most common meal plan methods range from carb counting to exchange lists (similar to how Weight Watchers works). It doesn't matter much about which method you choose as long as you follow it daily. Talk to a certified diabetic educator, dietitian or nutritionist to learn more.

Tip Number Six: Daily Blood Sugar Monitoring. You need to check your glucose levels each day. It is best to check at the same time each day. Some diabetics will have to monitor their blood sugar several times per day. Your physician will tell you how often to check. It is imperative that you monitor these levels and keep track of them in a log book. Many glucometers keep a memory of glucose levels automatically. Do this every day!

Tip Number Seven: Limit Or Eliminate Alcohol. Believe it or not alcohol can lead to low blood sugar which causes fainting or convulsions. It is safest if you completely eliminate your alcohol consumption. If you must drink, visit with your physician to learn how much is acceptable.

Tip Number Eight: Keep Teeth And Gums Healthy. Diabetics are actually at an increased risk for gum disease - believe it or not! By brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day you can help keep your gums and teeth healthy and resist gum disease. Also visit your dentist every 6 months for checkups.

Tip Number Nine: Remain Emotionally And Psychologically Strong. For many diabetics, dealing with a chronic illness can really do some damage to overall emotional and mental health. It can be a very stressful and traumatic occurrence - and it never goes away! Take time for yourself to relax and de-stress. Find a local diabetic support group and join it to meet others who are facing similar challenges and learn how they are dealing with it. Make sure your friends and family are on the lookout for signs of depression. Keep your doctor informed about your emotional condition.

Tip Number Ten: Take Care Of Your Feet. Diabetics are especially at risk for all kinds of ailments to the feet. Because diabetes can damage the nerves by reduced blood flow and circulation, the extremities are particularly vulnerable - especially the feet because we keep them covered in socks and shoes. It is easy to have sores on your feet without you even being aware of it! Check your feet for sores, cracks, redness, etc. every day! Wear comfortable shoes. Keep your feet clean and dry.

Follow these ten ways to keep diabetes under control. It's the little things that you do each day that can have the biggest impact on your diabetes. Get started today!

10 Easy Ways to Control Diabetes

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lose Weight Easily With These 5 Amazing Fitness Tools and Accessories

!±8± Lose Weight Easily With These 5 Amazing Fitness Tools and Accessories

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar business so there is no shortage of companies trying to sell every possible product under the sun with the promise of helping people lose weight quickly and easily. But what are the weight loss products which actually deliver on the promise of losing weight easily? Quit throwing away your hard-earned money on countless products that do nothing to help you lose weight, only to help you lose money. Continue reading to learn about five of the best weight loss tools and accessories available.

Exercise Shoes. Physical activity is absolutely essential for you to accomplish your weight loss goals and attain a higher level of fitness. And moderately vigorous walking is the number one, top-rated activity that you can perform to virtually guarantee you will lose weight. So you need to choose a good pair of walking shoes which fit properly and feel comfortable on your feet.

If it hurts for you to walk because your shoes are not very good, then you won't continue a walking program. So you might as well spend a little extra money up front to buy a great pair of walking shoes. Then get out there and start walking your way to weight loss success!

Pedometer. Once you start walking you will realize that you ought to start keeping track of how far you walked each time, as well as how long did it take you to walk. A good quality pedometer can help you to easily monitor the number of steps you take, the distance you have traveled and the time it took for you to do it.

Caution: do not purchase a pedometer just because it is more inexpensive than other brands or models. With a pedometer it is better to pay a little more for a good quality one. Most cheap pedometers are very inaccurate and often break down quickly. You get what you pay for when it comes to pedometers.

Heart rate monitor watch. You can dramatically improve the efficiency of each workout by monitoring your heart rate and making sure your heartrate stays within your target heart rate zone. A heart rate monitor watch is simply the best tool to help you get the most out of each workout. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a good quality model. However, be cautious of any heart rate monitor under as these brands and models are often plagued with problems.

Food and Activity Journal. Want to double your weight loss results? If so, then keep a daily journal of the foods you eat and the activities you do. This is a research proven fact: people who keep a daily food diary lose twice as much weight as those who do not. You can use a paper and pencil approach or go with a high-tech solution on your SmartPhone and the Internet. Do it daily and watch the pounds melt away.

MP3 Player. This is a smart option because you can spend your time walking and exercising while also listening to motivational speakers to encourage you on your weight loss journey. Or you can simply listen to your favorite music, or find some interesting audio books. It's a great way to pass the time quickly while also getting in your daily fitness activity. You can spend and have a perfectly fine MP3 player, or you can spend 0 on an iTouch - it's up to you.

There you have it - 5 fitness tools and accessories which, when put to use, virtually guarantee weight loss success! You don't have to spend a lot of money, but remember whatever you are spending is truly an investment in your health and your future. You are worth it, and these simple tools can help you accomplish your goals more quickly and easily. Go for it! Best wishes to you on your weight loss journey!

Lose Weight Easily With These 5 Amazing Fitness Tools and Accessories

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Travel List - Important Items to Bring on the Airplane

!±8± Travel List - Important Items to Bring on the Airplane

With the dawn of extraneous surcharges on flights, it has become increasingly important to pack smart. I have a tendency to go overboard in my packing, but the more I travel, the more I learn - less is more. I am proud to say that I no longer travel and check in my bags. In fact, the whole idea of waiting to check my bags, waiting to pick up my bags, the thought of my bags going missing, well, it is all too much for me. First, I want to get off the plane and just GO. Second, I panic at the though of losing my beloved clothes. Third, I hate the thought of carting all that crap along with me. So, that leaves me with figuring out an ingenious way to pack all of my stuff solely in carry-on bags. I will make one small note - this has worked for vacations of about two weeks. Anything longer and I may consider sending a bag via check-in. Ugh, maybe not.

I am not going to cover clothing items in this list, rather the items that are necessary to have readily available with you at all times on your flight. These things should be in the bag that goes beneath the seat in front of you, or easily able to be reached in the overhead above you. All of these items will make your plane flight slightly more enjoyable and in any flight over a couple hours, we all know how important that is.

Socks - many times I wear shoes that don't require socks. When I want to try to get comfortable, taking off my shoes and putting on some socks somehow gives me the illusion of being slightly cozy. SLIGHTLY. I fly coach (unless I have enough miles to bump me up to business), so any notion of comfort is a step in the right direction. iPod or mp3 player - Do not leave home without one. Some play movies, all play music. They help you drain out the sound around you and escape for a bit. It is also great to have your own headphones as the ones the provide on the plane are horrid. Much better to have your own that you know work. Magazines and books - another great way to pass the time. I tend to bring a few magazines and one good book. Anything more than that takes up too much space. If I finish the book or magazines, I pass them on to the flight attendants. They love this and you make some friends along the way! I can always pick up something new upon landing. Food/Snacks - this has become really important. Now that they are charging you for everything, and I really mean everything, having your own food and snacks is a lifesaver. I like items like trail mix, dark chocolate (for my sweet tooth), beef jerky, and granola or protein bars. These things don't take up much space and are good for you. Eye pillow - Yes, sometimes I feel stupid too. But come on, who really cares. I don't. Find a great eye pillow that fits your head and doesn't give you headaches or too much squeeze. They are lifesavers for cutting out the lights outside your window, or from the moron in front of you who never turns his reading light off, even if it is 2:00 am. Noise canceling headset - I have yet to invest in one, otherwise I would provide you some suggestion on which one to buy, but I am on the lookout for a great deal. I know for a fact that Bose offers one considered top of the line, but I have a hard time spending that much (especially when I could get a new pair of jeans or a full outfit for that matter). I do hear these headsets are lifesavers and when I tried one on once, it was silent. No whirring of the engines, no talking, no crying, no snoring. Fabulous. Tissues - If you don't have them you need them. Find a travel size pack and drop it in your purse or carry-on. You'll thank me later when you are dying to blow your nose or something else equally sexy Rosebud Salve - This multi-faceted product will work as a lotion, lip balm, or even as an ointment for a dry nose, you can't go wrong for . Neck pillow - These can be lifesavers in preventing that infamous tweaked neck. I like the ones that can be deflated if need be. Blanket or wrap - Like I have mentioned before, I love to wear either long cardigan or wraps as part of my airplane apparel. This is great as they double as a blanket and you don't have to carry an additional item. Perfect since it can get chilly on the plane. Medicine - always have your basic headache med or painkiller just in case. Some people may also want to carry a decongestant. Also, don't forget to have your daily meds handy if you are on a long flight.

I definitely am not going to spend the time telling you what to bring as TSA does a super-awesome job at that (note sarcasm here). Should you want to know the items you cannot bring, visit TSA's website. Also, make sure your toiletries (toothbrush, hairbrush, feminine products, hand sanitizer, etc) are easily available. You may not need them, but having to hunt for them is never fun and annoying to all your neighbors. Should you have the extra space, also think about a portable DVD player, laptop, handheld game system, or games like Sudoku or crosswords, whatever tickles your fancy. (I am a Sudoku girl). Remember - there is no need to bring a DVD player and a laptop. The laptop does both. Right? OK, just making sure you were paying attention.

What are your favorite or must-have items for the plane? Got any tips and tricks you'd like to share?

Love, K.

Travel List - Important Items to Bring on the Airplane

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bose® QuietComfort® 3 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones

!±8±Bose® QuietComfort® 3 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones

Brand : Bose
Rate :
Price : $349.95
Post Date : Nov 09, 2011 11:09:35
Usually ships in 24 hours

Compact, on-ear QuietComfort 3 headphones offer a proven combination of Bose noise reduction, audio performance and comfortable fit. Proprietary Bose technologies deliver quality sound from these award-winning headphones - and make listening a pleasure just about anywhere.

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Friday, September 30, 2011

10 most popular Christmas gifts for men

!±8± 10 most popular Christmas gifts for men

We know how difficult it is for girls to shop for kids, so we did 10 of the most popular Christmas gifts for men have drawn. If you are looking for something special for the people in your life - your friend, colleague, boss, brother, father, husband or son, take a look at this list.

Kindle Wireless Reader DX 1

With a handy 9.7 "screen, the ultra-thin, super-light a big reader, Kindle. So if your husband is a voracious reader, this piece of him with a 4 GB memory,storing up to 1500 lbs.

2 O-Grill Portable gas barbecue grills 3000

The O-Grill is easy to grill shell-shaped handset with retractable legs, which are located in two minutes. And 'ideal for out door grill (or even on the main deck). Great for fathers to enjoy the barbecue for the whole family.

Solio Classic Hybrid Solar Charger 3

A small solar charger - every boy an environmental conscience will be impressed with this neat little gizmocalls on mobile devices. Just prop the sun and charge your phone.

4 rhodium cufflinks with compass

If you give a colleague or friend for Christmas should twins - only try this pair of gems with compass instead. A fun new twist for a gift of age.

5 Logitech Harmony One Advanced Universal Remote

Logitech Harmony One is an ideal way to clutter your desk clear of any kind. It 'an impressive tool that controls 15 devices from a single sourceTouchscreen interface.

6 Beat Burberry for Men

Want to do something your good friend? Awarded him a perfume in 2009, Burberry Beat, spicy, woody fragrance that is fresh and still smoky.

Swarovski EL 10x42 Binocular 7

Awarded Swarovski binoculars is a thoughtful gift for Christmas for people who love outdoor activities such as hunting or bird watching.

8 Bose QuietComfort 2 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones

These sturdy wireThe Bose headphones do a great job of cutting all the ambient noise. Moreover, these are really easy on the ears.

9 Victorinox Forged 10-piece knife set with block

Each garment is worth such a set of Victorinox knives from the makers of the world's best knives. The basic set includes a carving of bamboo to hold the knife.

10 Unlocked tri-band GSM Watch Phone with 1.3 megapixel camera / Video/MP3/MP4 player / audio recorder with Bluetooth headset and touchScreen

It's a gadget even James Bond would have to complain. There is a phone cum watch phone with camera and MP3 player + MP4, saves even more! As if this were not enough, has a color touchscreen, a frighteningly long battery life and comes with a Bluetooth headset.

10 most popular Christmas gifts for men

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Noise Cancelling Headphones Thurs really?

!±8± Noise Cancelling Headphones Thurs really?

Thinking about getting some noise-canceling headphones, but wants to ensure that they really work before putting your hard earned money for them? There are a lot of people who share your interests, and rightly so. If you buy the Bose and other major manufacturers made the price is a bit 'on the steep side. There are several factors that lead to this award, but the important thing to know is whether those who buy are going to work or not. Hereare some things to help you make a decision and find a pair of noise-canceling headphones that works best for you.

And how this type of headphones work work? One way these work is that it is blocking ambient noise around you while you try to take your music to be heard. This is made possible through the layers of foam pads that form the headset in use. Depend on the manufacturer you are going to purchaseHeadphones type of foam that is used and how often is, but this is a way in which they work.

There are two types of noise canceling headphones so that you familiarize yourself with must be able to get the best pictures. There are assets, liabilities and those that are available for you to buy. The liabilities are those that block only the sounds around you with the foam that is used for the ear pads. The activities to be able to stop the foam, the soundsBut they have some unique properties that are not passive. This effectively creates its sounds just like the ones you are surrounded. The only difference is that the sounds that emerge remove those who do not want to hear. This means that the annoying jet engines, loud machinery, and other distractions are blocked, you hear your music without all the noise.

To answer the question, if a noise-canceling headphonesWork or not, the answer is yes. Now that you know the difference in those that are available, you can choose to use the best images. If there are less noisy, that prevent you from hearing your music, you are at peace, then a good pair of passive headphones work, but if you want to travel or to have a superior listening experience, then a good pair of headphones on as the Bose made by those who want to use it is. Take your timeTo compare several that are available so that you can decide to buy.

Noise Cancelling Headphones Thurs really?

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