Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lose Weight Easily With These 5 Amazing Fitness Tools and Accessories

!±8± Lose Weight Easily With These 5 Amazing Fitness Tools and Accessories

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar business so there is no shortage of companies trying to sell every possible product under the sun with the promise of helping people lose weight quickly and easily. But what are the weight loss products which actually deliver on the promise of losing weight easily? Quit throwing away your hard-earned money on countless products that do nothing to help you lose weight, only to help you lose money. Continue reading to learn about five of the best weight loss tools and accessories available.

Exercise Shoes. Physical activity is absolutely essential for you to accomplish your weight loss goals and attain a higher level of fitness. And moderately vigorous walking is the number one, top-rated activity that you can perform to virtually guarantee you will lose weight. So you need to choose a good pair of walking shoes which fit properly and feel comfortable on your feet.

If it hurts for you to walk because your shoes are not very good, then you won't continue a walking program. So you might as well spend a little extra money up front to buy a great pair of walking shoes. Then get out there and start walking your way to weight loss success!

Pedometer. Once you start walking you will realize that you ought to start keeping track of how far you walked each time, as well as how long did it take you to walk. A good quality pedometer can help you to easily monitor the number of steps you take, the distance you have traveled and the time it took for you to do it.

Caution: do not purchase a pedometer just because it is more inexpensive than other brands or models. With a pedometer it is better to pay a little more for a good quality one. Most cheap pedometers are very inaccurate and often break down quickly. You get what you pay for when it comes to pedometers.

Heart rate monitor watch. You can dramatically improve the efficiency of each workout by monitoring your heart rate and making sure your heartrate stays within your target heart rate zone. A heart rate monitor watch is simply the best tool to help you get the most out of each workout. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a good quality model. However, be cautious of any heart rate monitor under as these brands and models are often plagued with problems.

Food and Activity Journal. Want to double your weight loss results? If so, then keep a daily journal of the foods you eat and the activities you do. This is a research proven fact: people who keep a daily food diary lose twice as much weight as those who do not. You can use a paper and pencil approach or go with a high-tech solution on your SmartPhone and the Internet. Do it daily and watch the pounds melt away.

MP3 Player. This is a smart option because you can spend your time walking and exercising while also listening to motivational speakers to encourage you on your weight loss journey. Or you can simply listen to your favorite music, or find some interesting audio books. It's a great way to pass the time quickly while also getting in your daily fitness activity. You can spend and have a perfectly fine MP3 player, or you can spend 0 on an iTouch - it's up to you.

There you have it - 5 fitness tools and accessories which, when put to use, virtually guarantee weight loss success! You don't have to spend a lot of money, but remember whatever you are spending is truly an investment in your health and your future. You are worth it, and these simple tools can help you accomplish your goals more quickly and easily. Go for it! Best wishes to you on your weight loss journey!

Lose Weight Easily With These 5 Amazing Fitness Tools and Accessories

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