Thursday, November 17, 2011

Travel List - Important Items to Bring on the Airplane

!±8± Travel List - Important Items to Bring on the Airplane

With the dawn of extraneous surcharges on flights, it has become increasingly important to pack smart. I have a tendency to go overboard in my packing, but the more I travel, the more I learn - less is more. I am proud to say that I no longer travel and check in my bags. In fact, the whole idea of waiting to check my bags, waiting to pick up my bags, the thought of my bags going missing, well, it is all too much for me. First, I want to get off the plane and just GO. Second, I panic at the though of losing my beloved clothes. Third, I hate the thought of carting all that crap along with me. So, that leaves me with figuring out an ingenious way to pack all of my stuff solely in carry-on bags. I will make one small note - this has worked for vacations of about two weeks. Anything longer and I may consider sending a bag via check-in. Ugh, maybe not.

I am not going to cover clothing items in this list, rather the items that are necessary to have readily available with you at all times on your flight. These things should be in the bag that goes beneath the seat in front of you, or easily able to be reached in the overhead above you. All of these items will make your plane flight slightly more enjoyable and in any flight over a couple hours, we all know how important that is.

Socks - many times I wear shoes that don't require socks. When I want to try to get comfortable, taking off my shoes and putting on some socks somehow gives me the illusion of being slightly cozy. SLIGHTLY. I fly coach (unless I have enough miles to bump me up to business), so any notion of comfort is a step in the right direction. iPod or mp3 player - Do not leave home without one. Some play movies, all play music. They help you drain out the sound around you and escape for a bit. It is also great to have your own headphones as the ones the provide on the plane are horrid. Much better to have your own that you know work. Magazines and books - another great way to pass the time. I tend to bring a few magazines and one good book. Anything more than that takes up too much space. If I finish the book or magazines, I pass them on to the flight attendants. They love this and you make some friends along the way! I can always pick up something new upon landing. Food/Snacks - this has become really important. Now that they are charging you for everything, and I really mean everything, having your own food and snacks is a lifesaver. I like items like trail mix, dark chocolate (for my sweet tooth), beef jerky, and granola or protein bars. These things don't take up much space and are good for you. Eye pillow - Yes, sometimes I feel stupid too. But come on, who really cares. I don't. Find a great eye pillow that fits your head and doesn't give you headaches or too much squeeze. They are lifesavers for cutting out the lights outside your window, or from the moron in front of you who never turns his reading light off, even if it is 2:00 am. Noise canceling headset - I have yet to invest in one, otherwise I would provide you some suggestion on which one to buy, but I am on the lookout for a great deal. I know for a fact that Bose offers one considered top of the line, but I have a hard time spending that much (especially when I could get a new pair of jeans or a full outfit for that matter). I do hear these headsets are lifesavers and when I tried one on once, it was silent. No whirring of the engines, no talking, no crying, no snoring. Fabulous. Tissues - If you don't have them you need them. Find a travel size pack and drop it in your purse or carry-on. You'll thank me later when you are dying to blow your nose or something else equally sexy Rosebud Salve - This multi-faceted product will work as a lotion, lip balm, or even as an ointment for a dry nose, you can't go wrong for . Neck pillow - These can be lifesavers in preventing that infamous tweaked neck. I like the ones that can be deflated if need be. Blanket or wrap - Like I have mentioned before, I love to wear either long cardigan or wraps as part of my airplane apparel. This is great as they double as a blanket and you don't have to carry an additional item. Perfect since it can get chilly on the plane. Medicine - always have your basic headache med or painkiller just in case. Some people may also want to carry a decongestant. Also, don't forget to have your daily meds handy if you are on a long flight.

I definitely am not going to spend the time telling you what to bring as TSA does a super-awesome job at that (note sarcasm here). Should you want to know the items you cannot bring, visit TSA's website. Also, make sure your toiletries (toothbrush, hairbrush, feminine products, hand sanitizer, etc) are easily available. You may not need them, but having to hunt for them is never fun and annoying to all your neighbors. Should you have the extra space, also think about a portable DVD player, laptop, handheld game system, or games like Sudoku or crosswords, whatever tickles your fancy. (I am a Sudoku girl). Remember - there is no need to bring a DVD player and a laptop. The laptop does both. Right? OK, just making sure you were paying attention.

What are your favorite or must-have items for the plane? Got any tips and tricks you'd like to share?

Love, K.

Travel List - Important Items to Bring on the Airplane

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